Monday, March 19, 2007

CNY season

A bit late in creating a post for the CNY. The CNY for us was enjoyable and passed quickly. Went to Science centre for a while but mostly, we visited friends and relatives. Wanted to take a good picture of him being the Strong man but our photography skills are not up to standard.

Strong man!

Kiss by mei-mei Ting Ting.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

We cannot treat children like dogs

We cannot treat children like dogs
kiss them, play with them with they are in a jolly good mood and looking cute,
smack them, hit them when they bite us or get in our path.
Children are human beings too, they have emotions, they can get affected by the environment, they can get stressed and they can get cranky when they are sleepy.

I get cranky when I am lacking sleep too. How can I expect my 16 months old son to behave when I deprive him of sleep because I need to bring him out late at night? How can I smack him when he misbehaves because he is trying to catch my attention so that I can bring him home to sleep? He is a human being, not a dog.

What I have to do now is to try my best to bring him home to sleep when he can take it no longer : )

Children are human beings like us. Seek to understand them before expecting to be understood. Praises work well on him. No words like "You are naughty!", I use words like " What you did was wrong!". I catch him doing the right things and praise him. Understand his emotions and personality. I realised my son is very much like me. I was being caned and spanked a lot when I was younger. Outwardly, I was a quiet and good girl because I feared the spanking, inwardly, I was waiting to rebel. Everythings needs to have a balance.

Now, when he knows that he is going out, he sometimes will keep his toys on his own initiative. I was overjoyed when I saw that.

Friday, March 09, 2007

How to get him to eat?

My son has been finicky about food since a month ago. So now I have change the menu everyday and find out what he likes to eat. Recently, I tried a new way of cooking stew beef and he loves it.
beef cut into cubes,
carrots cut into cubes(and any other vege),
a small slice of ginger,
1 star aniseed.

Fry the beef in a saucepan till brown. Transfer the beef into a slow cooker pot and fill with hot water just enough to cover the beef. Add all other ingredients and let the slow cooker cook at high temperature for at least an hour.

He can feed himself now using a spoon but he loves to play with food and cause a mess. Feeding him can take more than half an hour. Cleaning up takes another half an hour.

He is a smart boy, he started speaking phrases like " More, water" and "More, please" since he was 15 months old. And now he likes to tell me the different types of vehicles whenever we are outside (i.e. taxi, bus, car).

I am glad that I don't have to specially teach him things like a teacher, he learns well when I tell him about things when we go shopping in a supermarket, walk to the MRT station, sing songs and even when we are taking a bus.

As for me, I am trying to learn to sugar-coat my words as I tend to speak my mind. Not everyone can take the truth even if I speak out of love and concern for them.