Sunday, August 06, 2006

We won the 13th prize!

We had a pleasant surprise today. Luke won the 13th prize for the Best Breastfed baby contest! During the preliminary round, I didn't expect us to get into the semi-finals as there were a few hundred participants just for his age group. I was pleasantly surprised when we got into the semi-finals, then the finals, today, he won the 13th prize out of 60 finalists!

I am glad that he won this without much effort, he only needed to be himself. And as for me, I only needed to bring him to the contest to let the judges play with him. need for him to be the fastest crawling baby, no need for him to be the chubbiest baby, he was only required to play. Not bad at all.

He was taking his nap during the prize giving ceremony at Suntec City. I went up to the stage to receive the prize alone.


Anonymous said...

Congratz to mummy and baby! You must have been so proud of luke (& yourself too..heheheh)! Well done, mummy prisc! :)

Shellen Chai said...

WOW SOOOOO GOOD !!! Got this lobang next time share share k??? Aiya... maybe Jeremy might win smthg for himself oso ??