I was happy to see my son's pleasant surprise whenI celebrated his birthday privately with him. I bought him a slice of cake, lighted up the candles and sang him a birthday song at home. I could see that smile on his face. He love blowing the candles but he patiently waited for me to snap a photo first. Then we dug in. He ate most of the cake. Never mind the sugars that he is eating for a day! It was great bonding time.
He has been so fascinated with transportation. By 18 months, he knew most vehicles and before he reached his birthday this year, he could classify and name vehicles like 'bullet train','garbage truck','dump truck','big rig','ambulance','fire engine','police car','sports car','motorbike','digger','tractor',etc. He learnt all that faster than he learn the ABCs : )
I have been feeling more tired in this pregnancy than the previous one, no feeling of 2nd trimester, I cannot recall having insomnia. Quite unlike the first pregnancy.
He has been throwing quite many tantrums nowadays,esp when he wants something, on top of all the whining. Mostly, I just left him alone and had to wait for him to cool down. I know if I let him win and get his way, he will do it again. I just pray that there is no limit to my patience.