Now that I'm a stay home mom, things have changed, my mind has changed too!
Thank God that my baby slept till 9am this morning, quite unusual, probably because he slept at 11pm last night. So my morning was short as I had the luxury of sleeping till 9am, hee!!!
By 2pm, I was famished, quickly rushed out to have my favourite Hakka Yong Tau Fu (authentic) and then to the library. My boy now weighs more than 8kg so carrying him was really tiring but I persisted. He was a good baby, at the library, he only cried for a while when he was hungry or sleepy. I even managed to get 30mins reading time while he was sleeping in the carrier.
My boy has been crawling around, standing up on his own and cruising a couple of steps. I wonder when I can see him taking his first step. I'm looking forward to seeing him walk. One thing I lack is patience.
He is a gift from God. I remember praying to God to ask for a child who will be a God lover and He answered my prayers really quick. Two months later, I realised I was pregnant with him.